Foxes are sly, sneaky creatures. There are many different types of foxes: red fox, arctic fox, Fennec fox, swift fox, bat-eared fox, Bengal fox, kit fox etc. Foxes are omnivorous which means they eat both meat and plants. Foxes like to eat fish and berries plus chickens if near a farm. Foxes are not in the
WARNING dog family. I know it sounds crazy; Foxes are a
Make sure to coop type of mammal, relating to dogs but
up your chicken they are not dogs.
coop or the next
day you'll find
your coop abandoned
with only feathers
Foxes live in North America. Their home is call a den. The den is made out of dirt. It can sometimes be made by other animals: badger, woodchucks or rabbits. Foxes use their den to raise their litter and then they separate, going off on their own. A fox den is usually in a burrow underground.
Fox babies are called kits. During mating season the female which are called vixens will cry out to let the male know she is ready. After mating, vixens will make a nest made out of leaves to have her kits. This room is a special room call a nesting chamber. Vixens can have 2 to 7 kits. Male foxes are called reynards.
WARNING dog family. I know it sounds crazy; Foxes are a
Make sure to coop type of mammal, relating to dogs but
up your chicken they are not dogs.
coop or the next
day you'll find
your coop abandoned
with only feathers
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