The Otter Phopet

THE OTTER PHOPET FINDING DORY Hi everyone, Its me Lexi. Today this article is not a special edition not regular articles but its a like a side article you get what I mean? Like with Harry Potter. To those who have read Harry Potter, JK. Rowling the author of Harry Potter has 3 side Books. The books are not based on the story of whats happening but they are like the books based on the setting. I'll show you what I mean: I swomlly swear I am up to no good. Mcheif Managed. I have the whole set of them. their based on the story but its not based on whats happening; and thats what I'm doing today. I really like this font.what a long intro. A ll right today I will talking about a movie. Recently their has been a movie thats new and its called finding dory and their were otters in t...