The Otter Phopet

               THE OTTER PHOPET

                     FINDING DORY

Hi everyone, Its me Lexi. Today this article is not a special edition not regular articles but its a like a side article you get what I mean? Like with Harry Potter. To those who have read Harry Potter, JK. Rowling the author of Harry Potter has 3 side Books. The books are not based on the story of whats happening but they are like the books based on the setting. I'll show you what I mean: 

I swomlly swear I am up to no good. 

Mcheif Managed.

I have the whole set of them. their based on the story but its not based on whats happening; and thats what I'm doing today. I really like this font.what a long intro.

All right today I will talking about a movie. Recently their has been a movie thats new and its called finding dory and their were otters in the movie and they were so cute! I fell like I have to share them with you guys. I know I've already wrote an otter article but their just so cute heres a picture:

Otters for life!!!!!! here's a video


Cute right? heres a whole heard of them!

Even thought the otters are not a main charator they are still my favirte animal. by the way they are not evil!

Here are the other charators in finding dory

  • Nemo
  • Marlin
  • Dory
  • Mr. Ray
  • The fish kids
  • Hank
  • Destiny 
  • Baley
  • Dory's mum and dad (Jenny and Charlie)
  • The blue tangs

I also like Destiny other than the otters.

Ok, I think that going to be it for the day I hope you enjoy this side article the base I got inspired from the newspapers and the name I got inspired from Harry Potter the Daily Phopet and I changed it to the otter phopet. Please feel free to check out my other articles. Give this article a thumbs up.

                  Thank you and see you next time!


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