
    Happy Chinese New year everybody! I hope you had a great holiday!Today as you may guess we will be talking about the rooster, in addition to the rooster year. A rooster is basically a male chicken. it is also known as a cock or a cockerel. A rooster is an early riser so thats why its the one thats wakes you up. cock-a-doo-a-doo!!!!!!
    Roosters are surprisingly omnivores. which means they eat meat and plants. They peck at worms, fruit, grain, insects, seeds, snails, acorns, slugs etc. Baby chicks can eat and walk soon after hatching.
    When the roosters population got incresed to 24 billion in 2003, there are more roosters and chickens in the world than any other bird.

     The rooster has many predators including us. The roosters predators are opossums, bobcats, snakes, raccoons, hawks, owls and skunks.  


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