
        Stags are really red male deer. If it was any other deer it will be called a buck. Stags are herbivores which means they eat plants only. Stags are one of the largest deer species since its a male red deer.
Did you know?
In Harry Potter, his father's Animagus 
was a stag. Harry's patronus
was also a stag to represent his
     Stags eat plants, fruits acorns and nuts when they are found. In the fall, when things are harder to find, they will switch to grass and evergreen plants. In the winter, Stags will just eat whatever food is left like leaves, twigs, bushes and other wordy plants.
New Antlers
    Stags will shed their antlers every year. Then grow a complete new pair. The shedding progress takes about 2 or 3 weeks to complete. While the regeneration takes about a whole summer to complete.The cycle starts all over again.


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