Hey everyone!

Hi everyone! Yes I am back! Sorry to those people who have been waiting so long for a new article. Thank you for being so patient for   this article or should I say special surprise. So to show how sorry I am for not blogging so long. Today I will show you proof why i've been so busy so you guys won't be upset.... and I will show it in a special way.       

Dearest Blog,

I've been very busy in the past 2 months. Now that summer is over and autumn has started I have to go back to my daily routine. Now that I am in year 5 at school (international school) and I am 9 years old i've been very busy. Plus book week this year at school is starting in October this month on the 24th, and I have camp in November too. I've been very tired too this past 2 months. My mom and dad have work to do too.

Anyway that's it for today my dear blog.

Seeing you tomorrow,


So everyone, did you enjoyed this special? if you did please put a thumbs up and tell me in the comments what to do for the next special. Anyways see you guys next time!


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